Welcome To The ICU Academy

“After 10 sessions our son had more confidence, focus, and felt good about himself. It was amazing.  I couldn’t ask for anything more!”

— Parent of a Fourth-Grade Student

In this revolutionary program your child experiences the ability to see—without using their eyes!

This extraordinary experience teaches children simple and fun techniques that activate their energetic body.  This is how they learn to expand beyond the parameters of their physical body -- using light energy to “see” without using their eyes -- all while completely blindfolded! 

This is an extraordinary understanding for children to navigate consciousness, and provides an exceptional foundation for each child to achieve meditative states in a fun way.


The ICU Academy (Inspiring Children Universally) is a pioneering methodology that addresses a child’s educational, emotional, mental and spiritual needs

Media & Press For The ICU Academy

Modern Nirvana: Children with REAL Superpowers

The Process


Please complete intake forms on the “Contact” page. After your documents are received, we will schedule a complimentary 15-minute call to discuss how the ICU Academy program can be incorporated into an overall integrative plan for your child.


ICU Academy sessions are provided on a consistent basis either weekly for ten weeks or in a more intensive format depending on your child.

All children must want to participate of their own accord


Parents and guardians are involved in the child’s at-home daily practice. All necessary instruction will be provided.

How It Works

Learning to see blindfolded is only the beginning…

The ICU Academy develops a child’s mental and emotional well-being. Once a child learns how to apply their consciousness in this unlimited way, they often exhibit improved self-expression, authenticity, empathy, creativity, originality, and maturity.

ICU is Perfect for Children Who…

Would like to experience greater self-confidence or self-worth

Are neurodivergent or struggle in the traditional school environment

Struggle with anxiety, stress, or worry, and would like to experience more calm and relaxation.

Are sensitive, perceptive/intuitive or empathic

Experience sensory, social, emotional, or behavioral differences that are often misunderstood

Could derive unlimited benefits from the effects of meditative states in a fun practice

icu academy experiences


Develops unique gifts and talents that may otherwise remain undiscovered

Increased confidence, self-worth, and respect for others

Improves focus, attention span, memory, and concentration

Enhances learning and personal potential

Awakens intuition leading to greater self-trust and self-connection

Leads to a blossoming of a child’s authentic self

Balances emotions, leading to improved behavior, self-regulation, and peacefulness

Release of suppressed emotions