Light Language

Why Light Language Education?

Many children who struggle with our linear form of education, particularly reading, spelling, and language processing may be able to access some form of Light Language.

Light Language is a non-linear form of communication and a felt experience rather than a word-for-word static translation, it is not uncommon for children or adolescents diagnosed with dyslexia or other learning differences to be able to translate, speak, or write Light Language.

Beyond our traditional form of linear education, numbers and letters are not just symbols, but carriers of enormous energy. For children who struggle to relate to these symbols, Light Language can act as a communication bridge that opens up new understandings to reading, spelling, and language comprehension.

Light Language also provides the ability for children and adults to connect on a deeper level to one’s natural expression, innate knowledge, and intuition.

  • Emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental integration

  • Releasing limiting patterns, beliefs, and energetic blocks

  • Improved self-worth and confidence

  • Greater self-regulation and a sense of calm

  • Overall well-being

  • Awaken your intuition

  • Activate DNA and the pineal gland

  • Bypass the limitations of the mind

  • Heart-opening

  • Access inner knowing

  • Greater awareness of your true nature

  • Enhanced communication and connection in relationships

  • The ability to address specific questions and concerns

Benefits of Light Language…

What is Light Language?

Light Language is a higher-dimensional language that every individual understands on a heart level. It is a higher-dimensional language that delivers dynamic frequencies of Light and Sound. It interacts differently with each person and each time it is experienced. It is a powerful transmission that you or your child/adolescent’s quantum field interprets and utilizes for integration and healing.

Light Language is an experience that is felt, initiating openings to deeper levels of integration, communication, and connection to Self.

Part of the beauty of Light Language is that it does not have to be broken down into other formats -- like understanding language or an emotion. Instead, it speaks directly to and from the heart. It is delivered through speech, writing, signing, toning and singing, and can be an effective catalyst for integrating your heart and mind.

How does “Light Language” work?

Every human being is capable of accessing Light Language, particularly children. As light is quantum in nature, it delivers wave-like properties that bypass the mind and are understood by all on a deeper heartfelt level. 

My child would like to learn Light Language. What will it provide?

An understanding of the different forms of light language: writing, speaking, singing, signing and toning

Your unique mode of communication and the various forms in which communication occurs

An explanation of how higher-frequency sound and light interacts with our energy fields, and how to use this for greater self-regulation and calm

Improved interest in language acquisition, academic performance, and self-confidence

A felt experience through fun exercises that include drawing, writing, sound, and other forms of self-expression

A deeper understanding of energy and how to set energetic boundaries and intentions that are in the highest good for all

  • “I felt more at peace after listening to the Light Language….”

    L. 14-year-old

  • “Listening to Light Language always brings tears to my eyes and reminds me of who I am…”


  • “I've never seen Light Language before, but when I saw all the symbols, I somehow knew exactly what they meant.”

    12-year-old student

  • “My child loves receiving Light Language and always seems calmer after her sessions….”

    Parents of a nine-year-old