Private Sessions

“The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart.”

—Sioux Nation Saying


Our work together begins with a safe space and a loving awareness for anything that arises. This may include addressing current questions or concerns, relationships, purpose and passions, overall well-being, or any other areas that would benefit from the release of limiting beliefs, programs, and conditioning, as well as integrating childhood or ancestral patterns.

The objective is to help you develop a greater awareness of your true nature, live from a more integrated self, and trust your inner resources to guide you through life, ultimately, experiencing more ease and joy, and greater freedom and love.

Private Sessions with Kim

Approach & Practices

Releasing Limiting Thoughts and Beliefs

A Greater Awareness of Self

Inner Child Integration

Ancestral Integration

Intuitive Guidance

Parent-Child Relationships

Resources and Tools to Apply to Daily Living

Multidimensional Communication

Energetic Support


A greater sense of presence

Accessing intuitive guidance

Feeling more motivated and inspired

Improved communication and relationships

Transforming limiting labels into positive potentials

Developing healthy boundaries

Greater faith and trust in life

Defining one’s own vision of personal success and happiness

Feeling secure to reveal one’s multidimensional nature

Accesing the joy, love, and peace within

Utilizing energy intuition and multidimensional sight, Kim serves as a communication bridge to support your ability to integrate core patterns that remain in separation, fear, or feelings of not enough and expand into more of who “you” are.

  • “I left feeling so full in my heart, with unexpected insight into areas I had not planned."


  • Working with Kim is an extremely gentle process where I feel held and safe. I have learned to let go more and stay present. Most of all, I have grown in confidence and changed the story of my life.


  • Kim is the real deal- she connects with something larger and more powerful and wise than where we are living in this moment.

    — Cicely

  • "I had a session with my father who had passed away. I had a lot of questions for him and still felt a lot of pain...It was a healing and transformative experience for me. In the end, I had resolve and felt complete. I am so grateful for this gift."


  • "My three sessions were emotional and spiritual, as well as metaphysical. Each left me with a sense of peace and calm that I felt throughout my body...that brought me closer to unlocking some rather toxic relationship patterns in my past. Thank you from my heart for these life-changing experiences.

    Tina C.

  • "My communication improved with my son after two sessions."

    -Kristina, Mother of a third-grade student

  • My encounter with Kim wasn't just a session, but a symphony of revelations about my son Sam that resonated with my heart long after...

    Neil Gordon, Author of “Between Two Gates: A Young Man’s Quest Toward Birth”